I haven’t written a review in a long time because, well, there are thousands of other reviews out there and my opinion really doesn’t matter. But along comes a movie like I, Robot which just spews lameness from so many angles I simply can’t withhold comment. This flick sucked. I suppose it’s moderately entertaining on… Continue reading I, Robot
Prospect Performance Scam Update
Note: This update refers to a previous post, Cheesy TV Ads are an Elaborate Privacy Scam. A scant two days after revealing the dirty dealings behind the “work at home” ads, a privacy policy was added to the xcareer/xmoney/xwhatever-else websites. The timing of this is curious, as my post was quickly indexed by Google and… Continue reading Prospect Performance Scam Update
Cheesy TV Ads are an Elaborate Privacy Scam
Update: A privacy policy was added on August 3, 2004. See the post Prospect Performance Scam Update for more info. I caught an interesting commercial last night on BBC America. And by “interesting” I mean “sickeningly sleazy and deeply disturbing.” You see a Generic White Man in front of a computer, speaking miscellaneous vaguaries about… Continue reading Cheesy TV Ads are an Elaborate Privacy Scam
Practicing Standards in a Non-Standard World
I’ve read a lot of articles and blog postings about the advantages of web standards, and the techniques and strategies for employing them. But in all my reading I haven’t come across an article that specifically addresses the issue of using standards in a team environment. Building a standards-compliant site when faced with a team… Continue reading Practicing Standards in a Non-Standard World
Looking the Part
I’m a geek, no denying it. I proudly proclaim it in fact. I make websites, I play video games, I read comics and science fiction. I have a blog. I can recall pointless minutae from cartoons I watched in the fifth grade but I can’t remember who won the Superbowl just a few months ago.… Continue reading Looking the Part
The Tweaking Continues
Well I finally got the archive page looking a bit more presentable, though eventually I’ll need to organize it better. Right now it’s just a massive list of all posts, but eventually I intend to hack something together to break it into three- or six-month chunks. When I launched not too long ago I had… Continue reading The Tweaking Continues
Rosebud is the Sled: The Fine Art of the Spoiler
I saw Spider-Man 2 over the holiday weekend. Upon returning to work Tuesday, still a bit buzzed from the rush of such a kickass movie, I was eager to discuss it with someone else. Alas, it seems I’m the only one in the office who had seen it. So my eagerness to discuss it became… Continue reading Rosebud is the Sled: The Fine Art of the Spoiler
Venereal Marketing
Well I’ve had my Gmail account for a few weeks and the novelty has worn off. I no longer feel special or elite, especially since Google started flooding the market with invites (I got 12 in my first week… all gone, don’t ask). Of course now they’ve apparently shut off the tap so the masses… Continue reading Venereal Marketing
Dictionary Attack Update
Well the on-going dictionary attack continues to go on. I’ve decided that it’s not a “true” dictionary attack because the addresses targeted aren’t nearly random enough. They’re all reasonable-seeming usernames (like Salazar, May, Dawson, etc) rather than the kind of bob1, bob2, bob3 progression normally characteristic of a dictionary attack. My current assumption is that… Continue reading Dictionary Attack Update
The Essential (Software) Mix
As mentioned previously, I reformatted my laptop recently and installed a fresh virginal Windows XP. Then began the task of reinstalling all the of software I need. Here’s my list of essentials (some are obvious no-brainers, I’m just including them here for completeness). Photoshop Illustrator HomeSite – my favorite text editor. Dreamweaver – I find… Continue reading The Essential (Software) Mix