Greetings, internet. I last published a post on this weblog 1,125 days ago. A hundred and twelve generations of fruit flies have flourished and expired in that time. I’m breaking the silence here only to officially announce the death of this blog. I’m mothballing this sucker and will make no further updates. The blog will… Continue reading Last Post
The Blinky Backstory
I signed up for Flickr a little over four years ago. While I was going through the initial setup and exploratory tinkerings, I was presented with the opportunity to change my profile avatar from the default gray block to something a little more personal. I couldn’t think of anything original offhand, but I happened to… Continue reading The Blinky Backstory
2007, Obligatory Year-in-Review
It’s been over six months since my last posting to this web log. I could offer excuses about being far too busy, and that would be true for some periods of my absence. But to be honest I haven’t blogged because I haven’t been motivated to do so. Oh, I’ve had plenty of ideas for… Continue reading 2007, Obligatory Year-in-Review
Beginning HTML is Finished
Beginning HTML with CSS and XHTML: Modern Guide and Reference (Beginning: From Novice to Professional), the book to which I contributed 6 chapters, is finally in transit from the printer to the warehouse, thence to be distributed to bookstores worldwide. Some time in the last 24 hours, Amazon switched the button from “Pre-order this item… Continue reading Beginning HTML is Finished
CS3 Hoops
Well the book is at last entering the stages of copy-editing and pre-production. One of my duties now is to review the press-ready layouts in PDF format as they become available, to make any final tweaks and edits. This requires highlighting passages and adding comments in a PDF file, which requires a full-blown version of… Continue reading CS3 Hoops
Naked Day II
CSS Naked Day is upon us again, a festive event wherein numerous websites (mostly the personal sites of web designers) temporarily strip themselves of their stylistic vestments and reveal their content otherwise unadorned. It vividly demonstrates the separation of presentation from content; when the presentation layer is removed from the equation the content left behind… Continue reading Naked Day II
Reflections on Suckswuh 2007
Like everyone else, I just got back from the annual South by Southwest Interactive conference in Austin. This was my third time, and right up until the start I thought it might be my last. It was big in 2005, huge in 2006 and was outright massive 2007. There were literally hundreds of speakers and… Continue reading Reflections on Suckswuh 2007
Grokking Deutsche
Shortly after How To Grok Web Standards was published on A List Apart I was contacted independently by two gentlemen, both wishing to translate the article into German; Eric Eggert on behalf of the German-language web standards boosters society,, and later by a nice chap named Stefan David. ALA controls the copyright to all… Continue reading Grokking Deutsche
My first article for A List Apart, How to Grok Web Standards, has gone live with issue 230. I’m giddy with excitement, as this is a fairly momentous event in my career. ALA has been instrumental in my growth as a web designer-slash-developer, and to think that I have progressed to the point where I… Continue reading Grok
2006, Obligatory Year-In-Review
‘Tis that time again, when one reflects on the past year and begins planning for the year to come. Looking back on this year’s blog archives I notice once major theme: I didn’t say much. Alas, almost the entire year passed in a wholly unremarkable way, right up until October when everything happened all at… Continue reading 2006, Obligatory Year-In-Review