2006, Obligatory Year-In-Review

‘Tis that time again, when one reflects on the past year and begins planning for the year to come. Looking back on this year’s blog archives I notice once major theme: I didn’t say much. Alas, almost the entire year passed in a wholly unremarkable way, right up until October when everything happened all at… Continue reading 2006, Obligatory Year-In-Review

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Recursive Twitter pimp: Christian Heilmann pimped craig’s twitter: http://www.wait-till-i.com/… I too have fallen victim to Twitter‘s addictive seduction. It can be quite a time-sink, at least until the novelty wears off. Took about a week for me. As Chris notes, there is a tendency for some to use Twitter as a mass-IM forum, holding entire… Continue reading Twitterpated

Busy December

Busy December, originally uploaded by Craig C..

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