Coming Attractions

Yes, I’ve been slack on the blogging front. Or so it would seem. Truth is I haven’t been posting much lately because I’ve been busily grinding away at a complete redesign, not only of the blog but of the front site as well. The revamp will include an upgrade to WordPress 1.5. I started the… Continue reading Coming Attractions

Categorized as Personal

Pixel, Meet Dot

Dave Shea has written an excellent introduction to CMYK, mainly aimed at web designers used to creating for the RGB screen. It’s a handy overview of the CMYK color model and why your work doesn’t look the same on paper as it does on the monitor. Dave’s article offers some rules of thumb to follow… Continue reading Pixel, Meet Dot

Categorized as Design

Paper Paranoia

Identity theft is primarily a low-tech crime, as mentioned in this article via slashdot: More Identity Theft Offline Than Online. For those reluctant to RTFA, the story outlines the results of a government study on identity theft. 72% of the cases surveyed were offline thefts (traced back to a lost wallet, stolen mail, or plain… Continue reading Paper Paranoia

Being Sociable

I attended an impromptu WordPress meetup in San Francisco today. Others who showed up (listed in no particular order) were Matt Mullenweg, Nicole Lee, Om Malik, Marc Weidenbaum, Ryan King, Scott Beale, Chris Messina, and Glenda Whose Last Name I Didn’t Catch And I Didn’t Really Get To Talk To Because She Had To Leave… Continue reading Being Sociable

Categorized as Personal


Greg “Airbag” Storey is running a design contest to produce a logo for his friend’s new company, with the designer of the chosen logo set to receive an iPod shuffle, an Airbag Industries t-shirt, and a stack of Jewelboxes. But even more notable than the contest is the heated comment thread over at the ‘Bag… Continue reading Contested

Categorized as Design

The Plot Sickens

Got an email from a guy named Mike : Aloha, I googled for “Guerra Communications” and found your article about that site being a huge scam. Well, i did some more poking around, and got this big huge list of websites that are also hosted on that ip address. You can view that list here:… Continue reading The Plot Sickens

Categorized as Rant, Spam

G’night Kitty

Posting pictures of one’s cat on the internet is so cliché. This will be my first and, alas, last indulgence. May eternity be rich with comfortable grocery bags.

Categorized as Personal

Obligatory New Year Post

Ought Four is no more, Ought Five is alive. This is the time when everyone makes lists. I won’t be doing a year-in-review this time around, but here’s my list of pseudo-resolutions, a few things I intend to do in the near future, some of which I may even follow through with. A major redesign.… Continue reading Obligatory New Year Post

Categorized as Personal

Obligatory Holiday Post

Seems like everyone is caught up in this whole holiday season thing. As for me, I’m sitting at the humbug table, pretty much devoid of Christmas Spirit. I just can’t get into it the way I used to. It’s overexposed, and I’m lashing back. I’ve outgrown the childhood wonder of it, when it was all… Continue reading Obligatory Holiday Post

Categorized as Personal

Re-enforcing Rule #3

Rule #3: Spammers are stupid. In another post to file under “you knew it would happen eventually,” I just got spam sent to an anonymous Spamcop email address. Allow me to explain why this is amusing: I’m a loyal user and supporter of Spamcop, a free spam blocklist and reporting service. When I get spam… Continue reading Re-enforcing Rule #3

Categorized as Spam