Inking Table

Inking table, originally uploaded by Craig C.. Finally got around to setting up my Flickr account to post to the blog, so this is a test, as well as a preview of the Impending Redesign, as I dramatically refer to it. Note the capitalization, that’s where the drama comes from. The image you see inked… Continue reading Inking Table

Scooping Kottke

The humble hyperlink is the very cornerstone of the World Wide Web. Moreover, links to cool stuff are vital to the practice of blogging. Sure there’s the whole personal publishing thing, the sharing with the world our knowledge and opinions. But what makes a blog a blog is the occasional frivolous link to some nifty/informative/funny/weird… Continue reading Scooping Kottke

Scott Richter Update 2005

Somehow my post from May 12th, 2004 titled “Scott Richter is a Lying Scumbag” has made it to the #2 result (as of this writing) when Googling the name Scott Richter, even outranking actual Legitimate News Media Outlets. And today I’ve noticed a sudden surge in clicks from search engines pointing to that article (it… Continue reading Scott Richter Update 2005

Categorized as Spam


This is, quite possibly, the perfect movie. Not that it’s especially good mind you, in fact quite the opposite. But Krull is the perfect movie in much the same way that watermelon Jolly Ranchers have the perfect flavor: it’s completely unrealistic but very enjoyable if you accept it for what it is. Line up every… Continue reading Krull

Categorized as Reviews

Inking A Straight Line

While working on my impending comics-inspired site design, I’ve been rediscovering my old enthusiasm for drawing comics, and incidentally rediscovering some tips and techniques I haven’t put into practice in years. Most of my creative juices flow directly onto a computer screen, but there’s great satisfaction in the organic act of making marks on dead… Continue reading Inking A Straight Line

Categorized as Design

Obligatory Live 8 Post

I’m all for supporting a good cause and raising awareness of important issues (and this issue is important), but the concert series really seems to be brushing aside the point of the thing. Supposedly all these pop stars are banding together to call attention to the plight of impoverished peoples around the world prior to… Continue reading Obligatory Live 8 Post

Categorized as Rant

Unexplained Absence Explained

Gosh, haven’t posted in ages. Reason being: I’m redesigning. Again. Or rather, I’m finally spending the time and energy to design this thing properly, as the last design (or current one, as of this writing) was rushed and uninspired. I commenced the last revamp in early February 05 with a deadline of March 1 05,… Continue reading Unexplained Absence Explained

Categorized as Personal

Translating Selectors

When writing or debugging CSS, it’s often helpful to describe a selector in plain English as a handy way to sort out things like inheritance and specificity, and just to better understand how the rules are being applied. If it doesn’t make sense when translated, there’s probably something amiss. Some examples: p, li { …… Continue reading Translating Selectors

Categorized as Design