CS3 Hoops

Well the book is at last entering the stages of copy-editing and pre-production. One of my duties now is to review the press-ready layouts in PDF format as they become available, to make any final tweaks and edits. This requires highlighting passages and adding comments in a PDF file, which requires a full-blown version of… Continue reading CS3 Hoops

SEO and WordCamp

I attended the first WordCamp on Saturday, August 5 in San Francisco. While I’ve heard no official headcount, I’d estimate about 200 bloggers rallied at the Swedish American Hall to bond over a shared enthusiasm for the bundle of open-source code that drives the words you’re reading right now. Sessions were loose and informal discussions,… Continue reading SEO and WordCamp

Melon Farmer

American commercial television networks need to loosen up. This is not news, of course, but I’m still often amused and/or annoyed by the choices network censors make. It’s a given that R-rated movies will be edited for television, but why must the poopy words be overdubbed with weak, non-poopy equivalents? What ever happened to the… Continue reading Melon Farmer

Categorized as Rant

The Evil Entity

I want better HTML character entities. Or rather, better rendering of the entities we already have. I want ' to produce a proper, curly apostrophe instead of the dull and incorrect ' we get now, and I want IE to support it too (if you’re using IE you probably see the unrendered entity, or if… Continue reading The Evil Entity

Categorized as Design, Rant

Obligatory Live 8 Post

I’m all for supporting a good cause and raising awareness of important issues (and this issue is important), but the concert series really seems to be brushing aside the point of the thing. Supposedly all these pop stars are banding together to call attention to the plight of impoverished peoples around the world prior to… Continue reading Obligatory Live 8 Post

Categorized as Rant

Creative Is Not a Noun

That’s right, the word “creative” is not a noun. It is not a person, nor a place, nor a thing. You cannot touch “creative.” You cannot visit “creative.” You cannot sit on “creative” or put “creative” in your pocket or ask “creative” to wear that dress you like, you know, the green one. “Creative” is… Continue reading Creative Is Not a Noun

Categorized as Rant

The Plot Sickens

Got an email from a guy named Mike : Aloha, I googled for “Guerra Communications” and found your article about that site being a huge scam. Well, i did some more poking around, and got this big huge list of websites that are also hosted on that ip address. You can view that list here:… Continue reading The Plot Sickens

Categorized as Rant, Spam

Cheesy TV Ads are an Elaborate Privacy Scam

Update: A privacy policy was added on August 3, 2004. See the post Prospect Performance Scam Update for more info. I caught an interesting commercial last night on BBC America. And by “interesting” I mean “sickeningly sleazy and deeply disturbing.” You see a Generic White Man in front of a computer, speaking miscellaneous vaguaries about… Continue reading Cheesy TV Ads are an Elaborate Privacy Scam

Categorized as Rant, Spam

Why Bulk Email *Is* Spam

I found this little spammer whine by way of spamNEWS, a daily email newsletter I subscribe to that aggregates news about spam (which should be obvious from the title). In this particular pro-spam editorial (under the guise of a “press release”), a spammer called Joseph Then attempts to once again play the redefinition game (see… Continue reading Why Bulk Email *Is* Spam

Categorized as Rant, Spam

Gamespot and EA Sports Play Dirty Marketing Tricks

I generally like Gamespot, they’re a cool and informative site with good indepth reviews and loads of goodies. I generally like Electronic Arts as well, they’ve been responsible for some damn good games on various platforms (though I don’t do sports games.) But they’re currently teaming up in a sleazy marketing gimmick of which I… Continue reading Gamespot and EA Sports Play Dirty Marketing Tricks

Categorized as Rant