Naked Day II

CSS Naked Day is upon us again, a festive event wherein numerous websites (mostly the personal sites of web designers) temporarily strip themselves of their stylistic vestments and reveal their content otherwise unadorned. It vividly demonstrates the separation of presentation from content; when the presentation layer is removed from the equation the content left behind… Continue reading Naked Day II

Categorized as Design

Grokking Deutsche

Shortly after How To Grok Web Standards was published on A List Apart I was contacted independently by two gentlemen, both wishing to translate the article into German; Eric Eggert on behalf of the German-language web standards boosters society,, and later by a nice chap named Stefan David. ALA controls the copyright to all… Continue reading Grokking Deutsche


My first article for A List Apart, How to Grok Web Standards, has gone live with issue 230. I’m giddy with excitement, as this is a fairly momentous event in my career. ALA has been instrumental in my growth as a web designer-slash-developer, and to think that I have progressed to the point where I… Continue reading Grok

Presenting… at Suckswuh

Round 2 of the 2007 SXSW Interactive Panel Proposal Picker has just gone live and I’ve got one proposal in the bunch. Semantics Semantics – A Plain English Guide to Web Standards Jargon Every specialized field evolves its own internal language of jargon, slang, insider references and buzzwords. We’ll cut through the technobabble and define… Continue reading Presenting… at Suckswuh


A few months ago, at my workplace, I was asked to give a short talk to the development team on the subject of web standards. It seems three years of my quiet (sometimes not so quiet) evangelism had taken some root and it was decided to be high time the other coders got up to… Continue reading Presenting…

Categorized as Design

SEO and WordCamp

I attended the first WordCamp on Saturday, August 5 in San Francisco. While I’ve heard no official headcount, I’d estimate about 200 bloggers rallied at the Swedish American Hall to bond over a shared enthusiasm for the bundle of open-source code that drives the words you’re reading right now. Sessions were loose and informal discussions,… Continue reading SEO and WordCamp

Penciled In

About 10 months ago I started working on a redesign of Focal Curve. It was to be inspired by two things I love: science fiction and comics. It was to be drastic and fresh and cool, rich in color and detail. It was to bring with it technological advancements, enhanced functionality and long-desired features I… Continue reading Penciled In

A Logo Positio

Molly’s site is busted (as of this writing) and has been for much of the day. Through a bit of viewsourcery I tracked the problem down to an apparent corruption of her “screen.css” file, which suddenly truncates at a#logo {positio and stops, so whatever style rules are meant to come after… don’t. The broken rule… Continue reading A Logo Positio

Categorized as Design

Time Enough

A few weeks after it was published I picked up Bulletproof Web Design, Dan Cederholm’s latest contribution to the web standards bookshelf, and indeed to the betterment of all humankind. I was going to hold out until a second pressing so I could get the elusive page 196, but I just couldn’t wait and had… Continue reading Time Enough

The Evil Entity

I want better HTML character entities. Or rather, better rendering of the entities we already have. I want ' to produce a proper, curly apostrophe instead of the dull and incorrect ' we get now, and I want IE to support it too (if you’re using IE you probably see the unrendered entity, or if… Continue reading The Evil Entity

Categorized as Design, Rant