Rejoining the Cult

Well I finally did it. I bought a Mac. A 15.4″ 1.83GHz MacBook Pro, to be precise. It’s the first Mac I’ve owned since 1995, the first I’ve owned to run OS X, and my very first Apple notebook. I’ve had it for six days now, which was five days longer than it took to… Continue reading Rejoining the Cult

Penciled In

About 10 months ago I started working on a redesign of Focal Curve. It was to be inspired by two things I love: science fiction and comics. It was to be drastic and fresh and cool, rich in color and detail. It was to bring with it technological advancements, enhanced functionality and long-desired features I… Continue reading Penciled In

SXSW Pre-Flight Checklist

To do before leaving home: Pay all bills due between 3/9 and 3/20 Take out trash Remove dishes from sink, perhaps to clean Consume or otherwise dispose of highly perishable food items Set to record 24 (Fox, Monday March 13, 9-10PM) Turn off bedroom alarm clock in consideration of neighbors Leave a light on To… Continue reading SXSW Pre-Flight Checklist

Melon Farmer

American commercial television networks need to loosen up. This is not news, of course, but I’m still often amused and/or annoyed by the choices network censors make. It’s a given that R-rated movies will be edited for television, but why must the poopy words be overdubbed with weak, non-poopy equivalents? What ever happened to the… Continue reading Melon Farmer

Categorized as Rant

A Logo Positio

Molly’s site is busted (as of this writing) and has been for much of the day. Through a bit of viewsourcery I tracked the problem down to an apparent corruption of her “screen.css” file, which suddenly truncates at a#logo {positio and stops, so whatever style rules are meant to come after… don’t. The broken rule… Continue reading A Logo Positio

Categorized as Design

Time Enough

A few weeks after it was published I picked up Bulletproof Web Design, Dan Cederholm’s latest contribution to the web standards bookshelf, and indeed to the betterment of all humankind. I was going to hold out until a second pressing so I could get the elusive page 196, but I just couldn’t wait and had… Continue reading Time Enough

The Evil Entity

I want better HTML character entities. Or rather, better rendering of the entities we already have. I want ' to produce a proper, curly apostrophe instead of the dull and incorrect ' we get now, and I want IE to support it too (if you’re using IE you probably see the unrendered entity, or if… Continue reading The Evil Entity

Categorized as Design, Rant

Reflections on WOW

This past weekend (Fri–Sun) I attended the WOW Web Design and Project Management conference in Cupertino, a three-day introductory bootcamp on web standards led by Molly don’t-forget-the-E. Holzschlag, Aaron Gustafson, and Andy Clarke. It was great to see Andy again after we hung out quite a bit at SXSW05, and it was equally great to… Continue reading Reflections on WOW