Reflections on WOW

This past weekend (Fri–Sun) I attended the WOW Web Design and Project Management conference in Cupertino, a three-day introductory bootcamp on web standards led by Molly don’t-forget-the-E. Holzschlag, Aaron Gustafson, and Andy Clarke. It was great to see Andy again after we hung out quite a bit at SXSW05, and it was equally great to… Continue reading Reflections on WOW

Inking Table

Inking table, originally uploaded by Craig C.. Finally got around to setting up my Flickr account to post to the blog, so this is a test, as well as a preview of the Impending Redesign, as I dramatically refer to it. Note the capitalization, that’s where the drama comes from. The image you see inked… Continue reading Inking Table