Big Mail and Lots Of It

Yesterday I joined the ranks of the Internet elite: I acquired a gmail account. A friend of mine had been scrounging for a while to get one and finally found somebody willing to pass out an invite after a meager financial exchange. Within about a week of activation my friend was granted three invitations of… Continue reading Big Mail and Lots Of It

Partition the Known Universe

Friday night I repartitioned my laptop’s hard drive. There were two main objectives of this project: 1) Split the single 40gig disk into two 20gig chunks and 2) obliterate all the annoying pre-installed Toshiba co-branded crap with a clean install of XP Pro. Smaller disk partitions are a good thing; I have one disk for… Continue reading Partition the Known Universe

Categorized as Personal

Yellow is the New Blue

Dave Shea of CSS Zen Garden fame has today launched a radical redesign of his website. It’s getting quite a reaction and some mixed reviews, mainly because it’s very different from the previous design. Personally, I’m on the fence a bit. While it still has some kinks to work out, I’m sure it’ll grow on… Continue reading Yellow is the New Blue

Vicarious Tourism

I’ve lived in the San Francisco Bay Area for the better part of four years and have barely experienced a tenth of the cool stuff there is to see and do here. I live alone and don’t really have a social life to speak of, so I really just don’t have occasion to get out… Continue reading Vicarious Tourism

Categorized as Personal

Usability Week 2004, Day 2

Today was more of the same. Lots of theory, lots of procedural guidelines, little or no actual principles to put into practice. This seminar is intended for “usability professionals,” i.e., people whose job it is to test systems for usability and report on their findings. It is not for the designers and developers who then… Continue reading Usability Week 2004, Day 2

Usability Week 2004, Day 1

This week I’m attending Usability Week, a 5-day usability boot camp put on by the Nielsen Normal Group. As in Jakob Nielsen. Day 1 was a pretty low-level overview, covering the science of usability and going into some procedural detail about how to perform usability testing. Quite honestly, it was nothing I didn’t know already… Continue reading Usability Week 2004, Day 1


Well, ok, it’s not really the First Post in the most technical sense, but it’s the first truly NEW post since the change of venue. I still have some more old stuff to add in, but first I’ll need to get the archiving sorted out. The left-side menu is already an unweildy height (especially on… Continue reading FP!