This past weekend (Fri–Sun) I attended the WOW Web Design and Project Management conference in Cupertino, a three-day introductory bootcamp on web standards led by Molly don’t-forget-the-E. Holzschlag, Aaron Gustafson, and Andy Clarke. It was great to see Andy again after we hung out quite a bit at SXSW05, and it was equally great to… Continue reading Reflections on WOW
Category: Design
Swearing Off Hacks with Conditional Comments
A hack, in CSS parlance, refers to exploiting a CSS parsing bug unique to a particular user-agent to deliver alternative style rules or declarations to that agent, usually in order to compensate for some rendering bug also unique to the targeted agent. In plain English, a hack means using one bug to correct another. CSS… Continue reading Swearing Off Hacks with Conditional Comments
Inking Table
Inking table, originally uploaded by Craig C.. Finally got around to setting up my Flickr account to post to the blog, so this is a test, as well as a preview of the Impending Redesign, as I dramatically refer to it. Note the capitalization, that’s where the drama comes from. The image you see inked… Continue reading Inking Table
Inking A Straight Line
While working on my impending comics-inspired site design, I’ve been rediscovering my old enthusiasm for drawing comics, and incidentally rediscovering some tips and techniques I haven’t put into practice in years. Most of my creative juices flow directly onto a computer screen, but there’s great satisfaction in the organic act of making marks on dead… Continue reading Inking A Straight Line
Things To Come
Translating Selectors
When writing or debugging CSS, it’s often helpful to describe a selector in plain English as a handy way to sort out things like inheritance and specificity, and just to better understand how the rules are being applied. If it doesn’t make sense when translated, there’s probably something amiss. Some examples: p, li { …… Continue reading Translating Selectors
Designer Nation
Andy Clarke‘s latest editorial touches on the idea of regionally distinctive design. In a nutshell, design trends have always been tied to a particular country (over time becoming part of the national identity), but this doesn’t seem to be happening yet on the web. Can a medium without borders give rise to nation-specific visual identities?… Continue reading Designer Nation
Browser Elitism Relapse
I suppose I should have expected to get roasted on that last post. It’s what I get for dipping my inexpert toes into a hotly-debated pool. So I’ll clarify my position thusly: Yes, presentation should be separated from behavior. Yes, a form field achieves a state of focus through an event. Yes, events should ideally… Continue reading Browser Elitism Relapse
I’m a Recovering Browser Elitist
There’s been some recent discussion about the separation of style and behavior, ever since Derek Featherstone found the head of the nail and Jeremy Keith dropped the hammer. While I’m all in favor of keeping the presentation layer segregated from the behavior layer (and both kept apart from the structure/content layer), there seem to be… Continue reading I’m a Recovering Browser Elitist
Nightmare on Memory Lane
Today, in an admirably bold move, Jon Hicks ripped the dust covers off his skeletons and revealed his sordid past. I commend Jon’s bravery, his honesty, his willingness to subject himself to the ridicule of the standardistas. I mean, seriously Jon, Tripod!? Tsk tsk. Everybody knows real designers use GeoCities. But, not wishing to leave… Continue reading Nightmare on Memory Lane