Browser Elitism Relapse

I suppose I should have expected to get roasted on that last post. It’s what I get for dipping my inexpert toes into a hotly-debated pool. So I’ll clarify my position thusly: Yes, presentation should be separated from behavior. Yes, a form field achieves a state of focus through an event. Yes, events should ideally… Continue reading Browser Elitism Relapse

Categorized as Design

I’m a Recovering Browser Elitist

There’s been some recent discussion about the separation of style and behavior, ever since Derek Featherstone found the head of the nail and Jeremy Keith dropped the hammer. While I’m all in favor of keeping the presentation layer segregated from the behavior layer (and both kept apart from the structure/content layer), there seem to be… Continue reading I’m a Recovering Browser Elitist

Categorized as Design

In-Flight Logo Quiz

Winging my way to SXSW, I was thumbing through the March issue of American Way, the American Airlines in-flight magazine. Amidst the numerous ads for Argentinian barbecue restaurants (what’s up with that anyway?) I came across this splash graphic introducing an article on how corporate sponsorships are ruining professional sports… or something like that. I… Continue reading In-Flight Logo Quiz

Nightmare on Memory Lane

Today, in an admirably bold move, Jon Hicks ripped the dust covers off his skeletons and revealed his sordid past. I commend Jon’s bravery, his honesty, his willingness to subject himself to the ridicule of the standardistas. I mean, seriously Jon, Tripod!? Tsk tsk. Everybody knows real designers use GeoCities. But, not wishing to leave… Continue reading Nightmare on Memory Lane

More on Hiding Skip Links

After the recent and now-infamous WordPress hidden articles debacle, the notion of using negative positioning to hide content from visual browsers has gained a new complication to consider. Google (and other search engines, I presume) have explicit rules forbidding this kind of content “cloaking,” but as yet they obviously don’t have an automated means of… Continue reading More on Hiding Skip Links

Categorized as Design

Where’s Ethan?

Just when you thought it had all gone away… Durstan has been located but now Ethan‘s gone missing from the cover. I swear this is my last contribution to this meme (unless it gets funny again, then I’ll probably beat the horse to jelly). But, it being April 1st and all, I simply couldn’t let… Continue reading Where’s Ethan?

Accessibly Hiding Skip Links

The “skip navigation” link has become nearly ubiquitous in standards-based web design, due largely to Zeldman’s teachings (see pg. 200… you have the book, right?). In a nutshell, it’s simply a link to an ID’d element or named anchor on the current page that allows a visitor to jump right to the meat, bypassing whatever… Continue reading Accessibly Hiding Skip Links

Categorized as Design