Usability Week 2004, Day 3

More of same. More graphs. More statistics. More information of no value in my day-to-day work. And more doodles. Actually, I did glean a bit of actual interesting information today, but it was barely mentioned in passing so I pretty much latched onto it by accident. Somewhere in the middle of the presentation on usability… Continue reading Usability Week 2004, Day 3

Categorized as Design

Usability Week 2004, Day 2

Today was more of the same. Lots of theory, lots of procedural guidelines, little or no actual principles to put into practice. This seminar is intended for “usability professionals,” i.e., people whose job it is to test systems for usability and report on their findings. It is not for the designers and developers who then… Continue reading Usability Week 2004, Day 2

Usability Week 2004, Day 1

This week I’m attending Usability Week, a 5-day usability boot camp put on by the Nielsen Normal Group. As in Jakob Nielsen. Day 1 was a pretty low-level overview, covering the science of usability and going into some procedural detail about how to perform usability testing. Quite honestly, it was nothing I didn’t know already… Continue reading Usability Week 2004, Day 1