The Spammier, The Better

This article from Wired exposes the amusing phenomenon of geeks comparing spam scores. SpamAssassin is one of the more popular spam filters which scans the content of emails and tallys a score based on the detected spamminess of each message. Major red flags such as the phrase “penis enlargement” or the word “offer” in a… Continue reading The Spammier, The Better

Categorized as Spam

Trojan-style Spamware Hiding Behind Funny Videos

Spams have been circulating lately directing recipients to a website where they can see the famous video of Bill Gates being smacked with a pie (among other funny clips.) However, upon arrival at the site, the user is prompted with an Active-X control to install “Internet Optimizer” before proceeding to the hilarity. Accepting the license… Continue reading Trojan-style Spamware Hiding Behind Funny Videos

Categorized as Spam

The Matrix: Reloaded

The capsule review I’ve been giving to my friends who haven’t seen it yet goes something like this: “It’s several sequences of really cool intense kickass action and effects, interspersed with tedious pseudo-philosophical pontificatory monologues wherein one character explains the world to another character. So it’s just like the first one, but more.” I waited… Continue reading The Matrix: Reloaded

Categorized as Reviews