Unexplained Absence Explained

Gosh, haven’t posted in ages. Reason being: I’m redesigning. Again. Or rather, I’m finally spending the time and energy to design this thing properly, as the last design (or current one, as of this writing) was rushed and uninspired. I commenced the last revamp in early February 05 with a deadline of March 1 05,… Continue reading Unexplained Absence Explained

Categorized as Personal

Meme: The Musical Baton

All day I was watching this meme spread — I first saw it on Clagnut, thence to Hicksdesign and from there, well, pretty much everyone in my blogroll. I waited, hoping for a baton of my own. I languished in obscurity and unpopularity, mentally composing my lists and checking feeds obsessively. Then lo, patience paid… Continue reading Meme: The Musical Baton

Categorized as Personal