
A photo of luggage on a hotel room chair

After seven total hours in the air (with a two hour layover in Dallas), I have arrived in Austin with my geek-branded luggage. My carry-on bag is pimping Vignette, a high-dollar content management system which I have never used. My laptop bag is from Java One, a conference I have never been to because I don’t use Java. I must admit a certain amount of trepidation about displaying my laptop in public, as I expect to be the lone dark blue Toshiba in a sea of silver Powerbooks. But hey, at least it’s not a Dell.


  1. Nice room, at least nice corner of the room. Not much cookin’ (no pun intended) here — same old stuff. I’m facing a long weekend with very little nictotine. I think I’m going to build a fence to keep me busy…

    Enjoy the geek convention. Come back and kick some CSS ass! Later.

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